You can’t really blame companies like Cantor Gaming for getting all hot and bothered when they consider the possible profits provided by a state like California should online poker legislation be adopted there. The 2010 census showed more than 37 million residents residing inside California state boundaries, so the estimated population in 2012 or 2013 would have to be north of 38 million. Delaware and Nevada have already adopted legalized online poker legislation, and it also provides for travelers and visitors to their state to also be able to legally play online poker while they are located inside state boundaries.
Nevada and Delaware Racing to Offer First-Hand of Online Poker in the US
On December 23 of last year, the United States Department of Justice reversed their long standing position on the legality of online poker in the United States. Considering any online gaming for money in the past as illegal, just two days before Christmas of 2011 the US DOJ delivered a holiday present of their new ruling that allows each individual state to develop and regulate their own online poker policy. Nevada has long been the cornerstone of gambling in the United States, and they quickly passed legislation allowing legalized online poker play for their residents and visitors, the first state to do so.